Sunday, November 6, 2016

Meehan Family YouTube Videos, Enjoy and Give thanks!

Happy Memories of Ireland with Jack Meehan Narrating: Celtic Spirituality
In this video which aired on GodTalk, a cable access TV program in Fairfax, Virginia from 1998-2008, Jack Meehan , my Dad, narrates. Footage features Jack on trumpet and sax and Dan Hallissey on keyboard playing Irish music. It also shows photos of my brother Sean, sister-in-law Nancy, niece and nephew, Katie and Danny and Nancys's Mom, Phyllis Hurst , Sister Regina Madonna and our relatives in Ireland.  Enjoy scenes of countryside and the lovely music. I have so many happy memories of this family adventure!
Bridget Mary Meehan,, 703-505-0004 (updated)
author of Praying with Celtic Holy Women

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