Saturday, November 10, 2012

'And the Angels Came" by Dr. Judy Lee

“And the Angels Came”
For the singing
and the moaning
and the caring,
for the caring of a gentle happy, caring man.
God’s own Gabriel on the horn,
He played so sweet.
And they washed him
sometimes with tears,
And they fed him
with Mother love,
And they lifted,
And they washed him
And they ministered
And laughed, Yes
they laughed and
brought his slight
smile and tapping
to the songs they sang.
The sun would shine.
They danced with him
And Mary who
could dance through silent tears.
They came because
they were sent by
our loving Mother God
to care for this
beloved father
and Gran’Pa.
They called him
Papa, for in
Mother Africa all
are family ,
And in Christ
all are One.
Comfort and
Lillian from Ghana,
Memunata, “Mona”
and Saidu from
Sierra Leone.
These are the angels
sent by God from
Africa to Jack Meehan,
son of Ireland forever.
So now there is an
African- Irish-American
 family that will
last forever in our hearts
with Jack.
( by Dr. Judy Lee, 11/8/12)
Comfort Boadu

Lillain King
Mona Gassama

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