Monday, October 8, 2012

Meehan Family Celebrates Jack's and Friend Dawn's Birthdays on Oct. 7, 2012

What a family celebration!  Patrick bought the steaks. Nancy, Sean and Dawn brought and prepared the rest of this yummy food! Mouth-watering delicious! Wish all of you could have been with us. 
We enjoyed every bite of steak, stuffed shrimp, baked potates, sweet potates, onions, mushrooms, corn, salad, Korn bread, ice cream and "birdie" cake. Dad watched part of the football game. He received great gifts of a fabulous headset to listen to his music, Redskins' shirt and blanket and a warm sweater! We give God thanks for Dad's 88 years of life and for our dear friend, Dawn, who has been a special member of our family for years!

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