Friday, April 30, 2010

A Grand Family Reunion: Mike and Sharon Neary, Sisters Gay and Pat dine with Jack and Bridget Mary at "Sugar and Spice "in Sarasota in April 2010

left to right, Jack, Bridget Mary, Sharon
back row, Mike, and Gay

from left to right:
Jack, Pat, Mike, Gay and Sharon

A Grand Reunion
What a joy to meet my second cousin Mike Neary and his wife Sharon from Dayton, Ohio.

The last time I saw Mike, I was nine years old, just over from Ireland for one year!
It was great fun sharing memories of Charlie, (Mike, Pat, and Gay's father) and their mother, Margaret. Charlie helped Mom and Dad build the addition to our 3301 property in Arlingnton, VA. Brownie and Emily who lived in VA. are also related to the Neary famly. Brownie and Emily, now deceased, were close to our family. Brownie was the architect who designed our addition.

I remember that Charlie enjoyed pickles.
Our cousin Pat Neary Black, lives at Oakwood and she invited us down here for a vacation in 2004. We liked Oakwood Manor so much, especially the friendly people and the heated junior olympic size pool that we bought a home here and have been coming for 7 seasons. (Dec.-April)
Gay, Pat and Mike's sister, has visited Pat several times and so we have had the pleasure of her company over the years.
The Neary family is related on Mom (Bridie's side of the family). Mom's mother, Bridget Neary and Pat/Gay/Mike's grandfather were brother and sister and their grandfather and his brother, (Jack and Mike) immigrated from Ireland to Dayton, Ohio many years ago. We shared that we were back in Coolkerry in 2009 and it looks the same as in the 50's when we left.
So we have lots of Neary cousins in Ohio, we are told! One day, we hope to make the family reunion there in Aug.
Love to all our Neary relatives in Ohio.
Come visit us in Fl. or VA.
Jack and Bridget Mary Meehan

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