Friday, January 1, 2010

Jack and Bridget Mary Celebrate New Year's Eve 2009 at dance at Oakwood Manor/Florida

Dad enjoyed dancing with the ladies

at his table.
Our friends Margaret and Joe

Mintern who live about 1 mile from Oakwood

Cousin Patricia Black and Bridget Mary

Cousin Pat (right) and friend Bev on (left)

Pat invited us to visit in 2004

We fell in love with Oakwood Manor

Community. and have spent

every winter here since then.

Dad and me in our living room before dance
On New Year's Eve 2009 , Dad and I went over to Dottie's home, a friend who is recovering from a fall. Coming up her drive way, Dad played "Should Old Acquaintances be forgotten", the "Tennessee Waltz", and some other favourites. Later, Joe and Margaret Mintern dropped by our home and we went with them to the dance at our clubhouse.
We were joined at our table by our cousin Patricia Black and her friend Beverly. Everyone seemed to enjoy the music, dance and a delicious buffet supper. I won a prize in the raffle. Dad enjoyed dancing and chatting with our friends and neighbors. Several of the women danced in a circle to the music of the 40's 50's and 60's. At Oakwood, the atmosphere is informal and relaxed and a place where both couples and singles can join in the fun! For many, this is an extended family.
We are grateful for God's many blessings in 2009 and pray that God's love may continue to embrace us in the New Year. We hold our family and friends in our hearts and prayerful thoughts.
Bridget Mary Meehan

1 comment:

  1. whose that good lucking man playing the trumpet???????
