Monday, June 22, 2009

Jack Meehan and Aidan Ryan play beautiful music at Aidan and Margaret's home in Bunratty, Ireland

Katie, Margaret and Ellen on road to
Cliffs of Mohr

Bunratty Castle

Durty Nellies/Bunratty Pub

Dromolin Castle

Mary, Katie and Ellen at Dromolin Castle

Lake on grounds of Dromolin Castle

Margaret and Aidan Ryan hosted us in their home in Ireland.
We arrived on Sat. May 30th. Margaret took us to Dromolin Castle and to Durty Nellies. Then on
Sunday, she drove us to Lahinch and to the Cliffs of Mohr. We stopped at St. Brigit's well at Liscannor and ate supper in Doolin, overlooking Galway Bay.
Dad and Aidan played music and had fun catching up on stories of times long ago!

Margaret filmed the two videos of our visit and music with Jack and Aidan below:

Mary and Jack's visit to Ireland
"my girl"

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