Friday, December 26, 2008

Jack Meehan plays Irish music at Christmas party in Sarasota

We had a lovely liturgy Christmas eve in our house church and great dinner and Irish party that ended just before midnight last night, a first for our quiet neighborhood -most go to bed by 10pm- in this area!!
Our neighbors, Paula and Georgette from Iowa love the music and brought us in freshly squeezed orange juice this morning. It went great with our delicious Irish breakfast!!

Enjoy these scenes of Dad playing the music he loves with our friends from Sarasota, Fl.

Below is our family blog and the two youtube movies.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sean's Birthday Celebration

Nancy, my sister-in-law is one of the world's best cooks. She has prepared a feast for our family for years. Her day job is an elementary school teacher at St. Thomas More in Arlington, Va.
We are truly blessed by her generous spirit and bounteous table. My brother, Sean, is a loving husband, father, and engineer and can fix just about anything mechanical. He takes after my Dad, Jack, who was also an engineer. Jack is also a world-class musician. He plays trumpet, sax, trombone. He played for presidents, embassies, hotels. Now he plays for the sheer joy of it!

Her friend Dawn is a also a fab. baker and crafter as well as a good cook and picture taker.
We enjoyed a festive Thanksgiving Day dinner and fun family celebration at Nancy
and Sean's home. Katie is now in college JMU ( in light blue) and Danny ( the tall lad in royal blue) is in high school:O'Connell.

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Nov. 30, 2008 Irish Breakfast at Mairead's Home

Brunch at Mairead O'Halloran's on Nov. 30, 2008
ah, those Irish sausages hit the spot, didn't they?
Dad and Mairead dancing to Irish musci
Kim and Bridget Mary
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Jack, Patrick and Valerie Celebrating Thanksgiving Weekend

Here we are at the Diner, one of Patrick and Dad's favorite restaurants. Patrick takes Dad out to eat there at least three times a week when we are in N.VA. Dad loves the bacon and scrambled eggs and his chats with brother Pat.

Breakafast at the Diner
Nov. 29, 2008 Dad, and Valerie

Brother Patrick and Bridget Mary
Patrick and Valerie put me on their phone plan which means I will be able to call the world for free! What a great gift for a communicator like me!!! Perhaps, Patrick and Valerie may need to win the lottery to support my new "pink" phone!!

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Sean, Nancy, Danny Meehan, Dawn
Vehemeir and Katie Meehan
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Jack, Bridget Mary, and Patrick Meehan
on the Majestic in Pittsburgh, 2005

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day 2008

Welcome to the Meehan family blog. You will see our immediate family; Sean, Nancy, Katie and Danny and our dear friend Dawn and in the second picture Patrick Meehan, Dad and me.

In the summer of 2008, Dad was in and out of the hospital in the last few months seven times. (from Aug.-Nov.)
We are grateful for the support of family and friends.
In this slideshow, you will see photos of some of our friends who really helped us with their joyful presence.
Ann Pulliam is in the first photo. Ann's mother, Bridie, died in September. RIP Ann and her Dad found my mother's tombstone at Oakwood Cemetary and Ann recognized my name and got in touch and started visiting Dad in the hospital. They bonded immediately and enjoyed stories of Ireland, music, laughter and as Dad got better, he played for Ann on trumpet and sax and they even danced a time or two!
Mairead O' Halloran who comes from County Clare was introduced to us by an old friend, Patricia O'Herlihy.
Mairead provided professional advice and compassionate care both while Dad was in the hospital and at home. We are grateful for the gift of Mairead's friendship.
Likewise, Patricia came both to the hospital and to our home to visit and be with Dad. Dad and Patricia enjoy talking about the old days in Ireland and about her early days in the U.S. when she lived in our home. Patricia and my mother, Bridie, who is now in heaven, were good friends. We appreciate Patricia's caring and concern. Patricia prepared a wonderful surprise for Dad when he was in the hospital. She told her friend Dan Hallissey, who is a great musician and friend of Dad's from County Cork, about Dad's illness. Dan drove all the way to VA. to play a concert for Dad in the hospital. Dan's music lifted the spirits of Dad and everyone who heard him on the seventh floor of the hospital! When Dad returned home, Dan returned again. This time Dad was feeling much better and was able to join him in playing their favorite Irish and popular music. Mairead, Patricia, Dan and his daughter Michele were present at one of these gatherings. These are the photos in the slide show.
So, on this Thanksgiving Day, we give thanks to God and to all our family (my brothers, Patrick and Sean were present in the hospital every day to help with Dad's meals and care at home). Nancy , my sisiter-in-law baked Dad's favorite Irish bread. Danny and Katie, his grandchildren also were regular visitors.
We love you all and pray for you each day.
Jack and Bridget Mary Meehan