Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sean's Birthday Celebration

Nancy, my sister-in-law is one of the world's best cooks. She has prepared a feast for our family for years. Her day job is an elementary school teacher at St. Thomas More in Arlington, Va.
We are truly blessed by her generous spirit and bounteous table. My brother, Sean, is a loving husband, father, and engineer and can fix just about anything mechanical. He takes after my Dad, Jack, who was also an engineer. Jack is also a world-class musician. He plays trumpet, sax, trombone. He played for presidents, embassies, hotels. Now he plays for the sheer joy of it!

Her friend Dawn is a also a fab. baker and crafter as well as a good cook and picture taker.
We enjoyed a festive Thanksgiving Day dinner and fun family celebration at Nancy
and Sean's home. Katie is now in college JMU ( in light blue) and Danny ( the tall lad in royal blue) is in high school:O'Connell.

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