Thursday, November 24, 2022

A Thanksgiving Prayer -Thanks All the Time Thanks

With gratitude to one of our contemporary prophets:

Dr. Walter Brueggemann graciously offered this prayer to us that he wrote and will be sharing around his table this Thanksgiving. May it nourish you and, if you choose, your community as well! Use it in worship, share it on social media, pray it around your table this Thanksgiving!

We are among those who give thanks in every circumstance.

We give thanks easily for the obvious blessings of our lives:

We give thanks for family, and for good friends such as these who bring wellbeing to our lives.

We give thanks for abundant food, like the bounty of this table.

We give thanks for the warmth and comfort and safety of our homes.

But we also give thanks in harder, more ambiguous circumstances:

We give thanks for every breath of life, while fragility or old age crowds in on us.

We give thanks for an economy in which we flourish, not unmindful of the multitude left behind.

We give thanks for the body politic, while we track the force of violence, fear, and hate.

W give thanks for the beauty of the earth, even while we collude in its toxicity.

We give thanks for the church, while our familiar forms and habits fade away.

We give thanks everywhere, all the time.

Receive our thanks. Give it back to us, we ask,

as courage, energy, and resolve,

that we may love more fully the things you love,

faithfulness, justice, and mercy.  Amen.

Written for Thanksgiving, November 24, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

10th Anniversary of Jack Meehan's Passing into Eternal Life, -Nov. 24, 2022- Precious Memories Live In Our Hearts Forever- See Video of Happy Memories of Ireland


We will hold you in our hearts forever.
Thanks for the precious memories, loving family, fun stories of life long ago in Ireland and beautiful music.
You are always with us!

See Video below of Jack Meehan in Ireland with Family on Video that Aired on TV in DC/VA. area.
Features beautiful landscapes of the Aran Islands, the breathtaking mountains and lakes of Connemara, Cliffs of Moher. Explore sacred sites of Celtic Saints such as St. Enda's well, St. Gobnait's Church and St. Patrick's holy mountain.   Jack  narrates  the characteristics of Celtic spirituality through the lens of our Irish family heritage. Enjoy some beautiful Irish tunes like Galway Bay, Danny Boy, the Rose of Tralee and many more played by Jack and Dan Hallissey.  This program aired on Godtalk on public access TV in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC . I wrote a book about Celtic spirituality, Praying with Celtic Spirituality, available on online retailers including