Sunday, May 13, 2018

On Mother's Day I Remember Mom's Faith and Funny Sayings

Bridie Meehan on her 50th Wedding Anniversary

A Tribute to Mom
My mother, Bridie Meehan, was a woman of mountain-moving faith, deep devotion to our family and funny sayings! She believed that God was very kind to us.

In the 1930's she was enrolled as a child of Mary in Ireland, and had a special relationship with the "blessed mother" throughout her life.

I still have the holy picture that hung in our cottage in Coolkerry, County Laois.

One of my earliest memories is each night before bed, Mom led our family in praying the rosary, not only the 5 decades, but also the trimmings -the Litany of Loretto- and a few additional aspirations were included.
She was also a big believer in rituals such as blessing ourselves with holy water (we had holy water founts near our doors) When we passed a church, she reminded us to make the sign of the cross. She sprinkled us us with holy water when we went on trips and said a prayer of blessing for protection

When we visited Ireland, we went to Mary's shrine in Knock, and brought back a generous supply of holy water!

I still have holy water from Knock!

After we emigrated to the U.S. and settled in Arlington, Virginia, she consecrated our family and home to the Sacred Heart, and displayed a large holy picture with the 12 promises.

Our house looked more like a convent with the crosses and large holy pictures of Jesus, Mary and the saints on the wall then many convents I was in or have visited!

Mom told me that she would have been a nun if she had not fallen in love with my Dad, Jack. And that is another great story of a 51 year marriage that was deeply blessed and a source of happiness for both of them.

My mother also had some wonderful sayings that I'd like to share:

"Go on r that!" (when she doubted the veracity of what you were saying.)"Put the kettle down and make a cup of tea." (everyone who came to our home was offered a cup of tea and scones or cake bread)
You'd trot a mouse through that tea!"(Weak tea, and not a compliment!)
"Keep your head about you." ( stay focused, don't get distracted)"Eat something or you'll fall a victim." (when I was on a diet)
- "There is no time like the present." ( I embraced this saying and did my homework on Friday nights to the amazement of my friends!)

When we played the Irish card game- 25- still my favorite card game!
"Don't send a chap on a man's journey."
"Who kissed Peggy?"
"Are you home"
"There are dogs at Brophys"

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Memories of Mom Blessing Our Family With Holy Water from Knock, Ireland

Bridie Meehan, my dear Mother died in 1998.

 I love to spend time with pilgrims at Knock Shrine in County Mayo, Ireland. It is a "thin place" where I feel  the spiritual presence of Mary and  the precious saints I dearly loved, like my Mom, Bridie, who took us to Knock on all visits to Ireland.  In 1956, we emigrated to the United States but we were fortunate to be able to return twice as a family when I was a teenager. In 1964 and 1966, we visited our relatives and toured around Ireland .We never left our homeland without holy water from Knock and  turf from the bog. At one time, I had several gallons of water from Knock in our family home. I still have a bottle of Knock water in my Florida home. 
One of my happy memories is of my mother blessing us on our major trips with holy water. When we got a new car, it was blessed too.  Mom kept the holy water fonts at our doors filled with holy water too! 
In 2014, I visited Knock with 12 friends on Celtic pilgrimage. We prayed together in a circle near the apparition site. Even though many do not attend church regularly anymore in Ireland  people of all ages including the young  still go to Croak Patrick and pilgrimage sites like Knock, and St Brigid wells in Liscannor, Kildare and Faughart. 
Bridget Mary Meehan #womenpriestsnow, https;//

Thursday, April 12, 2018