Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jack Meehan's 85th Birthday, Dawn 's 50th Birthday Celebration on Oct. 2, 2009

On Friday, Oct. 2nd our family and close friends gathered for a joyous celebration of Dad's 85th birthday and Dawn, our adopted family member's 50th birthday!
Nancy planned the party menu and brought lots of delicious food including great-tasting chicken salad, and, pasta etc.
Valerie made two of Dad's favorites the dessert angel food cake and sugar free salad.
Mairead, our friend from County Clare, brought delicious pasta and Irish bread.
Katie decorated our party room and our newly renovated all-purpose room.
Ellen helped to film the movies and the turning innovations are all her creative impulse.
Patricia Herlihy and Jackie Burrows, our dear friend of many years took us on a trip down memory lane.
Kaitlin danced an Irish jig and a bit of an Irish reel with Mairead and me. (after swinging round and round, I discovered I was no longer 16! Ouch!)
Dad, 85 years-young, entertained with music on trumpet and sax and a good time was had by all! Praise God for the gift of Dad's life and all the blessings our family has received!
Movie links coming soon!! (And they are worthy of viewing!!)

Happy Birthday

Irish melody

O my papa

Stand beside me

Rose of Mooncoin

Katlin Herlihy dances Irish jig


Irish Swing (A. Mary's hip injury... too much swing!!)

Grandpa entertains, family enjoys food, meet Molly, our new dog